Wednesday, May 23, 2012

wow jamaica maaannnn

A Jamaican went hunting one day
in Georgia & bagged three ducks.
He put them in his pickup & was
about 2 drive home when he was
confronted by a game warden
who didn't like Jamaicans. The
game warden ordered him 2 show
his hunting license, & d Jamaican
pulled out a valid Georgia hunting
license. The game warden looked
at d license, then reached over &
picked up one of d ducks, sniffed
its butt, & said, "This duck ain't
from Georgia. This is a Alabama
duck. You got a Alabama huntin'
license, boy?" The Jamaican
reached into his wallet & produced
an Alabama hunting license.... The
game warden looked at it, then
reached over & grabbed d second
duck, sniffed its butt & said "This
ain't no Georgia duck. This duck's
from Florida.. You got a Florida
license?" The Jamaican reached
into wallet & produced a Florida
hunting license. The warden then
reached over & picked up d third
duck, sniffed its butt, & said, "This
ain't no Georgia duck. This here
duck's from North Carolina. You
got a North Carolina huntin'
license?" Again d Jamaican reached
into his wallet & brought out a
North Carolina hunting license. The
game warden was extremely
frustrated at this point, & he yelled
at d Jamaican"Just where d hell are
you from???!!!" The Jamaican
turned around, dropped his pants,
bent over & said, "You tell me,
you're d expert."

drumms srtoorryyyy

A fireman came home from work
one day and said to his wife, "U
know sumthing woman, We have a
wonderful new system at d fire
station." Bell 1 rings - we put on
our jackets. Bell 2 rings we slide
down d pole. Bell 3 rings -we jump
on d engine and we ready to go.
"From now on woman, when I say,
'Bell one,I want you to strip naked.
When I say, Bell two, you jump on
d bed. When I say, Bell three, we
gonna make love all tru d night
girl." The next night, he came
home and shouted, "Bell One" and
the wife stripped naked! "Bell
Two" and she jumped on the bed!
"Bell Three" and they started to
make love! After a few minutes, the
wife yelled out, "Bell Four !!!!"
"WOMAN ... What de hell is 'Bell
Four'?" he asked. She replied, "Roll
out more hose, man, you nowhere
near de fire!"