Thursday, June 21, 2012

DECISION MAKING DAY (What decisions do you have to make?)-

You know it eventually had to come to this. You have to make a decision. Some of the decisionsthat you have been putting off are: Do you keep putting yourself down over past relationships? Do you end some of your friendships or relationships with people? Do you follow your passion and dream and start that business? Do you finally stop that bad habit you are use to doing? Do you start going to church? Do you finally start that exerciseproblem. Do you starting writing that book you said you've always wanted to do? Whatever your decision you have to make in your life, make that decision today. Stop putting it off because it is not bringing you any closer to the enjoyment of life you want for yourself.

1 comment:

  1. Many of these questions apply toso many different people. To be honest, 6 out of 7 of these I need to get the answers to and make decisions on myself. Time waits for no one and a rolling stone gathers no moss. Keep yourself on the move. Staying still and complacent for too long will only be detrimental to your future success and progression.
